Destroyers of Destiny
Our primary assignment is to raise for God, great leaders.In life, men are talked into greatness; unfortunately, the enermy seek to bring people down through diverse acts of rebellion.
Watch out and take heed so that Satan dont make you his captive by luring you into rebellion as we x-ray
The [07] Seven Spirits of Rebellion
The [07] Seven Spirits of Rebellion
01. The spirit of Korah : This is the spirit that challenges leadership. Numbers 16:1-33.
Many atimes people challenge leadership without a careful thought of the experiences (pains, scoldings, risks, sacrifices etc) the leadership has gone through in the lead journey so far.
Take note of their end, the earth swallowed them up. The same applies in our present day, the earth sometimes doesn't open physically by its soil, but the circumstances of life may keep a rebellious man of this type down and never shine or heard like a star.
02. The spirit of Miriam: This is the spirit of equal right. Numbers 12:1 - 13.
From the passage it is worthy of recognition that, Moses sinned against God, Miriam nannied Moses, and Aaron was also a graced man (priest). They both seem to be matured enough to scold or query mosses for going contrary to Gods law or guidance on marriage. But notice that judgement is not ours but God's. Never murmur against your Moses so you don't deny yourself the promised land.
As Miriam was struck with sickness, so have so many persons caught incureable sicknesses for partaking of this act.
Do not judge the ministers of God even when you see them going astray, their sins are not against you but against the one who called them.
03. The Spirit of Absalom: This is the spirit of conspiracy 2 Samuel 15:1 - 13; 18: 9 - 10
This is the spirit that wants to steal the heart of the people. Be careful who stills your heart off the leadership you submit to, or towards themselves. Note that the end of the one who conspires was death by hanging.
Two (2) people you must not fight
A). don't fight a father.
B). Don't fight proteges.
Remarkably, Absalom is the first son and supposedly meant to be king, but this act denied him the throne.
04. The spirit of Gehazi. This is the spirit of greed and gain. 2 kings 5:20 , 26.
Over ambitious people don't make it.
Remarkably, Gehazi was meant to receive greater Grace and anointing than his master Elisha did received from Elijah.
Remarkably, Gehazi was meant to receive greater Grace and anointing than his master Elisha did received from Elijah.
But rather he received and died of leprosy for being greedy.
05. The spirit of Judas - This is the spirit of betrayal Mathew 26:47
Watch out that you don't betray your leadership, friends and parents. Understand that people can betray you and be careful the information you disclose.
Unfortunately your best friend you confide in also has a best friend he also may confide in sharing your secret disclosed.
In heaven the closest angel betrayed God, on earth the most trusted disciple 'Judas' betrayed Jesus.
Remarkably, Lucifer lost heaven, Judas lost his life and apostleship, be careful that you don't suffer loss of the great position meant for you because you give in to this act.
06. The Spirit of Jezebel - This is the spirit of seduction. 1 kings 19:1
This spirit targets the leadership or the pulpit and seeks to bring him them. It is wisdom that every leader watch their boundary, as a man on the pulpit. This also comes with sexual seduction.
The assignment of jezebel is to destroy you and put an end of the assignment God has entrusted in your hand.
07. The Spirit of Ham - This is the spirit that exposes the leaders weaknesses. Genesis 9:22 - 27
As towards your father, Let your attention be to cover other than, show case. There will never be a perfect pope or minister, take heed when you see the fall of the Lord's servant and seek to cover them for the sake of your future / and blessing.
As a Father, take heed your deeds of weakness, it could give room to your end by a Ham.
Rebellion is evil, and have always received an accompanying reward of curses. Do not be a victim so that your life and generations could live in blessings and prosperity.
Apsotle. Samwealth Kachy.
Lead Pastor.
Lead Pastor.
Champions-Arena Gospel centre int'l
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